Day 37

A nice morning. Woke up and prepared myself for “gotong-royong” at the church as I was told that there would be one. Waited for some of the family members and went to the church.

A really nice experience. Gave me this ‘homely’ feeling. Made me think back about many things. Can’t believe there’s a place elsewhere that is similar to my place. All in all, very nice people haha.

Done with working, headed back to Mr. Church leader’s house to pack and leave. Said farewell to everyone at church and received a bible as souvenir. Frankly speaking, it’s a deadweight. But, lets see how far I can go on with this souvenir in my backpack.

Visited Leaning Tower a.k.a. Clock Tower again. This time, went inside the tower to look around. Hanged around for awhile and found my way to Bandar Baru bus terminal to go KL.

Long ride to KL. Could have easily head back home from here, but, my journey is far from over. Kl is as usual. However, I think I’m appreciating the little beauty it has now. Helped some people along the way. KL was raining as usual. Made my way to KTM station and Seremban I headed to.

The train ride was crazy. Can’t believe I learnt something from such simple mode of transport. Nevertheless, made it to Seremban town after a tiring ride.

Seremban town is nice, as I’ve known. After all, it’s considered my hometown. Nevertheless, need to be careful here.

Was bumming around and a little incident happened. Finally bumped into this building guarded by security guards and sleeping here tonight.

Really want to recover soon so that I can move around as usual again. Or else my remaining trip will be more difficult as the days go by.

Need to get out of Seremban ASAP too because it’s my hometown. Coincidence does happen very often.

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