Q1:How did you travel from one place to another?

Q2:What places have you been to?

Q3:Where did you sleep?

Q4:How and where did you bathe?

Q5:How did you wash your clothes and dry them?

Q6:Where and how do you look for a toilet?

Q7:Did you plan your route before the travel?

Q8:How did you survive without money?

Q9:How and where did you get food and water?

Q10:What did you bring with you for 2 months?

Q11:Did your family know about this? What did they say about it?

Q12:Why 63 days?

Q13:Why did you only bring RM50?

Q14:How long did your RM50 lasts?

Q15:Did you beg for money?

Q16:Did you bring a handphone?

Q17:Did you bring a camera to take pictures along the journey?

Q18:Did you encounter any bad people who tried to harm you?

Q19:Why didn't you go with some friends instead of alone?

Q20:Why didn't you cycle instead?

Q21:Have you ever regretted or felt like quitting during the trip?

Q22:What inspired you to do this?

Q23:What kind of preparations did you make before the trip?

Q24:Who are you? Where are you from? How old are you? Are you still studying or working? etc etc (questions related to my personal background)

Q25:So, how was the trip in the end? Will you do it again?