Day 35

Stayed overnight at a hospital… First time I’m admitted to a ward.

Able to eat properly now. Although at a smaller portion than usual. At least no vommitting.

Feeling better and more energetic after sleeping for a night. Still feel tired though.

Viral fewer apparently. Don’t really know what’s that. Many different doctors and nurses questioned me and I have to keep telling my story over and over again lol.

Frankly, pretty confident that my life is not in danger. It’s just that I couldn’t find a place to rest with people to take care of me. That’s why I was sent to the hospital.

Can’t believe I’m actually admitted to a hospital. And I was trying not to get sick too seriously during my travel. Haven’t been getting any serious illness for 2 or 3 years and it has to happen now. Guess some people’s expectation came true haha.

Well, a new experience, a new ‘first time’.

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