Day 30

‘Explore Taiping Day’. It seems Taiping is a town with many ‘firsts’.

Woke up early as the stalls’ owners did the same. Had breakfast and headed over to Taman Tasik Taiping. To summarize, the lake garden deserves its title as the most beautiful lake garden in Malaysia. Simply gorgeous.

Next was Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill). Basically, spent a lot of time there chatting, sight-seeing, and walking as it’s really tall. Equivalent to Gunung Jerai at Kedah. Details of my climb:
Bukit Larut – Start: 0900, Reached (so called peak): 1125, Reached (real peak): 1215, End: 1515, Duration: 6 hours 15 minutes, Distance (to so called peak): 10.2km, Distance (to real peak): 13.2km, Height (so called peak): 1036m, Height (real peak): 1376m

Maxwell Hill’s resorts, chalets, etc are all located at 1036m height of the hill. However, you can actually walk higher up to the Telekom Towers and that’s where the real peak of the hill is. Also, saw a turning near the top of Maxwell Hill leading to Gunung Hijau (1448m). However, I played safe and did not explore that road. Next time.

Went to zoo and museum later. Did not enter zoo; there was a fee. Museum was dull as usual.

On the way back to the restaurant I worked at, a really big coincidence occurred. Forget bout the details.

Worked again for the night and leaving early tomorrow to Kuala Kangsar. Generally, Taiping is a nice place to live. However, many residents I met along the way kept asking me to be alert as it’s dangerous walking alone in Taiping. I can’t judge the ‘serious-ness’ of safety issue in Taiping as it’s my first time here and nothing happened to me so far.

Things have been getting weird with me recently. Wonder if it’s because I’ve been away for too long.

Refused salary and only asked for food from working. Everybody must be thinking that I’m weird haha.

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