Day 29

Things have been going pretty well recently. In fact, it feels like luck is on my side haha.

Spent half the day at the Buddhist temple I stayed at and got a rough idea on their lifestyles. I was asked to try compromise with their daily agenda as they have their own rules in the temple. Basically, this is what happened:-
0545 Woke up/Self cleaning
0600 Me – exercise, Monks – praying
0630 Breakfast
0700 Self activity in our respectives rooms
0830 Various activities. Not allowed to shut ourselves in the room doing our own things

I took a walk around the housing area during the free time I had as I can’t stay in my room to sleep (I’m still sleep-deprived after all). Nice housing area. Nice environment; very peaceful, serene, and calm. Back to the temple after looking around and read books provided to fill up my time till lunch. Read a very interesting book on animals and joy, compassion, love, and something else that I forgot (lol). My eyes were a little teary and I can feel the story emotionally as I was reading it. Nevertheless, did not finish reading it as something else interferes.

Had lunch and hitch a ride from the same St. John person all the way to Parit Buntar. Really lucky.

The ‘sifu’ and St. John person are really interesting characters. They are involved in so many things. What interests me the most was that both of them are scouts.

Received a really nice souvenir from Mr. St. John before leaving. Scout around Parit Buntar town and finally decided to head over to Taiping by bus.

Passed by many towns and arrived at Taiping. Perak is too big that I decided to visit only a few major towns.

Found a real job for the first time and enjoyed the work despite feeling tired. Another lesson learned: it’s not easy to find a living and a steady income. Will probably appreciate what I have now more than before.

Also learned to save water and use them moderately from sifu. Still trying to practice it though. Sleeping at the restaurant I worked.

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