Day 28

Haha today has been an eventful day. Overall, generally, it was a good day.

Slept outdoor but in a much safer and convenient environment. A little difficult to explain so I’ll not do so haha.

Woke up and prepared myself to visit Kulim as promised. Had help with food from the same Mak Cik from yesterday so breakfast was covered.

As I was about to leave and said farewell to the Mak Cik, she shed tears. Guess I became a little too close to her. Nevertheless, my journey needs to continue. This simply made me more aware of my roles and drive me to complete this backpacking trip and return alive.

On the way to Kulim, saw many nice buildings. The one I remembered most was St. Anne’s Church. Simply fabulous.

Received many help before arriving at Bukit Mertajam a.k.a. Bukit To’Kun (as in the hill itself; not the town name). Guess breakfast wasn’t a problem at all as of that time.

Conquered Bukit Mertajam in a safe and easy manner. Pretty much similar to Bukit Bakar at Kelantan. Finally my record continues:
Bukit Mertajam – Start: 0935, Reached: 1025, End: 1115, Duration: 1 hour 40 mins

Continued walking towards Kulim. Saw signboard leading the way to Kem PLKN Syruz and walked towards it hoping to get free lunch. However, Komandan said no and my plan failed which results in no lunch.

Travelling without eating properly really makes a difference. Reached Kulim eventually and things happened with MCA office. Ended up with a St. John person and experienced many new things.

Got treated to steamboat buffet at the end of the day. Never expect myself to be able to eat ice-cream and steamboat during this trip.

Learnt two big lessons. Need to treasure food after experiencing hunger. Ironically, cannot be too greedy with food and eat ‘modestly’ (moderately). First time I was this full. Staying at Buddhist temple.

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