Day 26

Had a really weird encounter with a really weird person in the morning. This has increased my awareness against weird people.

Exercised in the morning. Had breakfast with leftover breads from bakery given to me. Saw banners and flyers regarding some cleaning George Town event few days back and decided to join as I was pretty free today.

Asked for directions and arrived at Penang Chinese Town Hall. Many people were there. Asked around and managed to register myself in the event. Found out that they provide breakfast and lunch to participants so I’ve solve my lunch for the day.

Was waiting in line to receive the event t-shirt but somehow when it was my turn the t-shirt finished. How unlucky. Anyway, I’m not really fond of getting a shirt as it will make my backpack heavier.

Had second breakfast. It wasn’t much actually; just a bread. Received a short briefing and went outside to clean the town. As a volunteer, I was assigned to help out to clean Weld Quay – the area where there are ports.

Did some major cleaning around town. Made some friends. Sweated a lot. To help out was worth the experience. Nevertheless, not all were good things. Were disappointed when I saw how people manage their rubbish. Some fisherman or boat were caught dumping rubbish into the sea in action. Guess sometimes, cleaning should begin with the attitude first.

After cleaning up, went back to Penang Chinese Town Hall for closing ceremony. As usual, speeches. Awards were given out for various things. In the end, the lucky draw was the main event. Too bad I did not win anything.

Had lunch and helped out with cleaning up the hall after the event. All in all, very glad I provided my services for a good cause.

Walked around town ‘searching’ for dinner but to no avail. Sleeping early and skipping dinner. That’s backpacking life.

Souvenirs for this trip so far: Shoes from Perlis bazaar, Penang cleaning event cert, recycling bag, and a bottle missing from getting lost in jungle.

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