Day 24

I shall spend some time writing the journal properly for today.

Woke up late again. Late for me, that is. Moved out to explore Penang tourism attraction again. Rode on a bus to Butterfly Park but didn’t enter once again due to a fee for entry. Have not been able to visit many places because of entry fee haha. Plus, many places in Penang are private properties so most likely there will be an entry fee. As a result, I’m just going to visit the outside of these places in Penang.

Moved on to Taman Rimba Pulau Pinang. The place doesn’t seemed to be running anymore as the facilities seemed runned down and some maintenance work was going on. The most disappointing thing I saw was a few people were chopping bamboos and burning them openly in the forest. Maybe there is a good reason for disposing those bamboos but to start an open fire like that just doesn’t seemed right. And I was seeing many signboards talking bout loving the nature in the eco park. Ironic?

Continued over to Teluk Bahang dam/reservoir. The best place visited for the day. The view was fantastic. Man-made lake can look pretty good. Viewed the dam from all kind of directions haha.

Finally, a far walk over to Tropical Fruit Farm up in the highlands. Didn’t enter nor buy anything as money is lacking. Checked out the view from highland awhile and overheard people talking bout seeing me walking to the farm while they were driving. Responded to them and started a conversation. One of the uncles treated me to a fruit juice in the end and it was refreshing.

Didn’t go Titi Kerawang Waterfall as it is even further and I’m afraid I will be back late to the bakery for work. Got a free ride to Butterfly Park and catched a bus back to George Town from there.

Working at bakery has been rather dull as there isn’t much for me to do because they have enough staff working. Nonetheless, I try to help whenever I can. Money is really tight now so the next few days will be difficult. Oh well, it was my original idea to not use money anyway.

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