Day 23

Haha, has been neglecting to write this journal properly and have done a sloppy job with the objective of filling up two pages. Really too tired to write recently.

Woke up later than expected and had breakfast. Penang food is a must or I’ll go back with regrets. Took a bus to go Snake Temple but took a long nap in the bus and ended up pretty far from my destination. Changed plan and walked to War Museum first as it was nearer. Didn’t go in as a fee is required as expected.

Moved to Penang Aquarium and it was closed for maintenance or upgrading work. Not that I will go in anyway even if it’s open as I need to pay to visit. Nonetheless, the outdoor pond and auditorium aquarium are accessible. The auditorium aquarium made the visit worth while. There was a big turtle in it too.

Walked to Snake Temple and got a free motorcycle ride half way. Visited Snake Temple. There was a store in front and the rice writing thing was interesting.

Took another bus back to George Town to work at the bakery shop. If I forgot to mention that I’m working previously, than I’m saying it now.

Kept getting mistaken as foreigner as I was dark/tan and my dressing is pretty outstanding.

Got to go again. Need to recover some strength for tomorrow.

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