Day 22

Another day has passed again…

Woke up and went walked around George Town looking for a decent spot for exercising with sunrise view. Cornwallis Fort area seems decent but can’t really see sunrise although the scenery is already great. Church Street Pier allows me to view sunrise but doesn’t seem like a good exercising location. Nevertheless, stayed there and did some light exercises while watching sunrise.

Went back to bakery and watched what is done in the ‘pre-opening store’ stage. Purchased a bun and headed over to Penang hill. Visited a few places along the way namely: Burmese Temple, Thai Temple, Sleeping Buddha. Actually, most of the time I just look at the exterior of the building instead of going in to explore. Too lazy to go in and personally thought that looking from outside is sufficient.

Also took a walk along Gurney Drive and the beach scenery was fantastic. Decided to visit Youth Park first and it was great. Took the hiking trail to Penang hill from here.

Really sleepy and tired now so gonna fast forward everything.

Took long time at Penang Hill a.k.a. Green Hill a.k.a. Bukit Bendera. Have a few Chinese rest place around Penang Hill. Got free motorcycle ride about 1km from peak. Peak was awesome. Headed down. Things happened. Worked at bakery. Nothing much happened. Now writing this. Going sleep now. Nitez.

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