Day 21

A pretty awesome day. Penang rocks.

Woke up early to hitch a ride from Father as he was going Penang for some stuff to do. A ship transported Father’s and many other cars from Butterworth to Penang. Looked pretty cool. Thought he was gonna drive through the Penang bridge at first.

Landed at Penang and was dropped at Penang Museum. However, it was still early and the museum had not open yet. Took a walk around Penang.

Penang is seriously awesome. Almost everywhere I go I can see the distinctive features of Penang. All sorts of buildings with unique designs are spotted all over George Town. Everywhere were busy with people but the hustle bustle is different from places like KL. All sorts of people you can see walking around the streets. Indians aren’t really a small community here and Penang people aren’t just limited to Malay, Chinese, and Indian. Backpackers/foreigners/tourists are everywhere too as if they are part of the local community.

I had breakfast after visiting the museum and the food was awesome as rumoured. The museum was typically full with facts and histories.

Asked around for a possible accommodation for people like me and was led to a bakery in the end. I thought communication would be a problem with language barrier but it looks like I was misled all along. Guess sometimes we need to see/experience things by ourselves to really know the real situation. At least, language is no problem in George Town.

People at bakery are awesome and the owner is an interesting person. Got a place to stay for days and followed the uncle and aunty around without any apparent objective.

Back to Penang from mainland and settled down. Took an evening stroll around in conjunction with watching sunset. Enjoyed enough and went back to bakery. Hanged around and waited till the store closes. Went eat and felt like I was conned. Gonna go sleep now. Really tired.

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