Day 18

A crazy way to begin the first day of 2011. I actually kept praying for so long and reminded myself of my promise over and over again. Let me slowly explain what happened.

Firstly, took a bus from Kangar to Kaki Bukit to visit Gua Kelam – one of Perlis’s main attraction. Gua Kelam was damaged by the ‘banjir’ recently so nobody is allowed to go in the cave for exploring. Walked around to take a look outside of Gua Kelam – recreational park, river, campsite, etc. Saw a staircase leading uphill with a signboard saying: “Lookout point”. This is where the horror begins…

Climbed the stairs and reached a split road. One leading higher uphill, another downwards. Eventually, walked the path leading up as I was going for the lookout point. Reached a point where everything turns into rock climbing. Climbed nevertheless. Finally, when I almost reach the peak, the terrain was too difficult. It was 90° uphill similar to those rock climbing centre ones. The difference was that there is no mattress below and abseiling/rappelling ropes and gears on me. Took a few steps up and decided to turn back as it was too risky. That’s when I made a BIG mistake.

On the way down, purposely took a different trail to ‘try new things’. Walked and walked and walked….. realized that something is not right. Before I knew it, I was lost. Lost uphill for almost 2 hours before finding the correct trail downwards. Experience was horrible. To make things worst, it wasn’t a ‘bukit’, but a ‘banjaran’. Nevertheless, I’m safe and sound now. Although with an injured left wrist and many scratches. Record (failed attempt):
Gua Kelam (Banjaran Nakawan) – Start: 1010, End: 1240, Duration: 2 hours 30 mins

The first time I actually turn back without reaching the peak. Not forgetting, Gua Kelam is a great place with serene environment (that is, before everyone comes in the afternoon).

Ate at Kaki Bukit and met 2 uncles from Ipoh which eventually gave me a ride to Padang Besar. Checked out the bazaar and went back to Kangar after waited for the bus for 2 hours or more.

No more shorts and pouch bag soon. Shoes spoiling.

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