Day 17

A new year, a new beginning. Nevertheless, my journal needs to continue.

Perlis’s sceneries just never ceased to amaze me. Time and again I was ‘wow-ed’ by the fantastic, marvelous, or whatever word it is to describe the beauty.

Started the day by travelling to Beseri. On foot, again. Was surrounded by paddy fields, hills, plants, animals, etc at a certain point. It was certainly an amazing view. Nature is so wonderful haha.

Somehow reached Tasik Melati before Beseri. Explored the place and once again, another beauty in Perlis. Have to give credit to whoever that designed the recreational park as well.

Changed the order of my route and headed to Bukit Keteri. People can really be different despite being from a town slightly further away only. Simply passed Bukit Keteri as it obviously doesn’t seem ‘climb-able’ without equipments.

Headed over to Bukit Jernih and didn’t climb it either cause apparently, it’s dangerous during raining season. Plus, the locals said it’s difficult and the trail can take at least one whole day to climb. Simply crazy. Talking bout climbing, a flashback at Bukit Ayer:
Bukit Ayer – Start: 1500, Reached: 1535 (considered a peak I suppose), End: 1615, Duration: 1 hour 15 mins

Wanted to explore the cave at Bukit Jernih. Reached the cave entrance and found out a river ‘lives’ there. Didn’t want to dirty and wet myself like that so I turned back. Completely forgot the real caving has water to a pretty high level.

Finally headed to Beseri and then Tasik (Empangan) Timah Tasoh. View was fabulous. Surrounded by hills and all. Too lazy to describe them already.

Walked a long stretch of road non-stop to go back Kangar and my feet are hurting now. Literally ‘screwed’.

Need a new pair of shoes. My shoes are currently ‘screwed’ too. Money is really an issue. Hopefully I can survive.

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