Day 19

I must be a real idiot. To have done the same thing in two days – what a way to celebrate new year.

Started the day by travelling to Padang Besar on bus to get myself a new pair of shoes at the bazaar. My scout shoes won’t last long at this rate and I bid them farewell at Kangar. *Thank you for your services up to now*

Travelled back to Kangar on bus and then took another bus to Arau nearby. Wanted to visit those ‘Diraja’ places but was stopped and told that it’s not a public place in which people can just enter and exit. There are procedures to follow. Guess those famous places are really ‘royal’ and not grand in just the names.

Nevertheless, the outside of those royal places are good enough to look at. The state mosque was good too. Arau is pretty much a city of Perlis despite Kangar being the capital. Environment is pretty similar to Subang Jaya, only with more royal places and administration centres.

Walked from Arau to Kodiang and on the way to Padang Sera, saw signboards stating “Gua Kerbau”. This is the benefit of walking to places: you get to visit ‘mini’ attractions that people would have miss if they were driving. These places are usually not stated in tourism maps but worth visiting.

Was directed to a Kampung in which Gua Kerbau and Gua Batu Putih are located. Chatted with the locals for awhile before climbing the hill. Didn’t want to explore the cave as it was pretty late in the evening already.

Well, about the climbing experience…. it was pretty much getting lost around after reaching the peak. It was at night when I got lost. Reached a point where the locals I chatted with got worried and contacted Police and RELA team to look for me. They saw my flashlight and shine theirs at me and I responded by flashing mine back at them. That’s how they found me and I was safe again.

Too lazy to write the rest of the story. Basically, I created history at Gua Kerbau and Batu Putih and now am ‘tumpang-ing’ at one of the people who helped me earlier’s house at Kampung Gelung Rambai.

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