Day 15

A fine day today. Starting to find Perlis a really nice state. The best place I went so far.

Woke up late again. Guess the tireness accumulated a week ago resulted in this. Settled some stuff before heading to Kuala Perlis. Random remark: Ate ‘lo mai kai’ for breakfast.

Journey to Kuala Perlis was great. The scenery of Kampung lifestyle just made Perlis a really great place. Enjoyed the tranquil surroundings.

Reached Kota Indera Kayangan, now known as Kayang Museum. Checked out all the galleries available in a rush as I’m not that interested into facts and history and wanna save time for other places. Just quickly browse through the items. Walked around the place to explore. Nicely built and designed place. Went in Gua Kayang and nothing much to be seen.

Headed to Kuala Perlis next. A really ‘fisherman style’ town. Reached the so called ‘Ocean Glow’ and the view wasn’t that great. Went at the wrong time of the year perhaps.

Passed by ferry terminal to Langkawi. Headed to Bukit Kubu next. Another random remark: Ate a ‘tau sa pau’ and ‘Roti Arab’ on the way. Reached the place and asked around for more info on the place. Climbed the hill and did a little exploring. Record:
Bukit Kubu – Start: 1455, Reached: 1505, End: 1520, Duration: 25 mins

A little comment on Bukit Kubu: I thought Bukit Lagi (a.k.a. Gua Cenderawasih; just found out) was easy. Apparently, this is easier. Explored many so called caves to no avail. Exploring results: 2 entrance/exit, 1 main peak, many trails that connect in circles.

Caving is really a new experience. More to come from Perlis.

Walked a long way back to Kangar and stuffs happened. Things are pretty good in the end anyway.

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